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Why is the grass green?

  • Category:
  • Nature

So grass is green because it contains chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is needed to provide the process of photosynthesis and convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, while obtaining energy for plant life. And it is with the process of photosynthesis that the green color of chlorophyll is associated.

Why does the sun shine?

  • Category:
  • Nature

Most scientists believe that inside the Sun one chemical element - hydrogen turns into another - helium. Hydrogen particles are combined into heavier particles, with this combination, energy is released in the form of light and heat.

Why is snow white?

  • Category:
  • Nature

The white color of snow is caused precisely by its structure. In ice, all crystals are strictly aligned and oriented. Light, therefore, passes through ice with only a slight change in direction. Snow, on the other hand, has ice crystals arranged randomly. As a result, light falling on one of them, in a refracted form, falls on the other, which again changes its direction. Moreover, snowflakes are even capable of decomposing white light into color spectral components - but as a result, all this gives exactly white color.

What is a terminator?

  • Category:
  • Astronomy

Terminator (from lat. terminare - to stop) - a line of light separation that separates the illuminated (light) part of the body (for example, the cosmic body) from the unlit (dark) part. The terminator of a spherical body is always observed as a semi-ellipse, taking the form of a straight line at the end of the first and the beginning of the last quarters.

Who Invented the Zodiac Signs?

  • Category:
  • Astronomy

The Sumerians were the first to divide the sky into twelve "windows" and group the stars about five thousand years ago. It was they who endowed each constellation with an expressive symbol and name and compared it with the events of the surrounding nature. Later, the ancient Greeks borrowed the idea of the “zodiac” (literally, “a circle of animals”) from their descendants from Mesopotamia and attributed a charismatic legend to each sign.

Do you need to be successful?

  • Category:
  • People

Success embodies the ability to live and develop, grow internally, spiritually, give peace and harmony to oneself and fill the space around. Purposefulness, hard work, self-respect, self-confidence, the ability to self-development, intuition, self-criticism, the ability to be grateful and generous - these qualities complement each other, become a solid foundation for success.

How much time should be devoted to work?

  • Category:
  • People

The eight-hour day was introduced during the industrial revolution to reduce the number of working hours for people working in factories. At the time, this innovation was a real breakthrough. But by now, this approach to organizing working time is hopelessly outdated.

What is Shopify?

  • Category:
  • Business

Shopify Inc. is a Canadian multinational e-commerce company headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario. Shopify is the name of its proprietary e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems.

What is a business plan?

  • Category:
  • Business

A business plan is a detailed description of your project with calculations and perspectives for the next few years. It is needed by potential investors or the bank to which you will go for a loan; partners, intermediaries, your team and, in the end, you as the creator of the project. A business plan is usually written three to five years in advance.